EMSconnect On Shift
EMSconnect On Shift is a podcast that brings together the stories, challenges, and insights of the medical and EMS communities. Hosted by experienced professionals, this show dives into the real-world experiences of those on the frontlines of emergency medical services. From heart-pounding calls to the behind-the-scenes operations, EMSconnect On Shift offers a unique perspective on the daily lives of EMS providers. We also feature episodes for general audiences, highlighting topics that resonate with anyone interested in health care, public safety, and the individuals who make a difference in critical moments. Whether you're an EMS provider or just curious about the world of emergency medicine, EMSconnect On Shift connects you to the pulse of the field.
EMSconnect On Shift
Some Things Are Better Left Unshared...
We've all heard the saying, "If it's icky, sticky, brown, and not yours, don't touch it." But let's face reality, in EMS, we often don't have the luxury of choice. Patients deteriorate, wound dressings must be changed, and sick individuals call 9-1-1. We administer airway adjuncts and medications that increase our exposure to aerosolized particles—particles that seem to have an uncanny ability to travel impressive distances and head straight for our faces at the speed of a sneeze. So, how can we prioritize safety? What precautions should we be taking, and what gear is essential? We've got just the expert to shed light on all of this. Join us as Dr. Stanton delves into the realm of infectious diseases.