EMSconnect On Shift
EMSconnect On Shift is a podcast that brings together the stories, challenges, and insights of the medical and EMS communities. Hosted by experienced professionals, this show dives into the real-world experiences of those on the frontlines of emergency medical services. From heart-pounding calls to the behind-the-scenes operations, EMSconnect On Shift offers a unique perspective on the daily lives of EMS providers. We also feature episodes for general audiences, highlighting topics that resonate with anyone interested in health care, public safety, and the individuals who make a difference in critical moments. Whether you're an EMS provider or just curious about the world of emergency medicine, EMSconnect On Shift connects you to the pulse of the field.
EMSconnect On Shift
Train Like Your Life Depends On It With Ryan Scellick
"Train like your life depends on it. You don't rise to the occasion, you fall to the level of your training. Muscle memory. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast." I am sure we all have heard these things yelled across the drill ground, said in an AAR after a critical call, or even muttered by our mentors. So what does it mean? Is it a mindset, or science? Ryan and I do our best at talking about both the mindset and the science of training how and why we should train in certain ways. If you are a training officer, instructor, FTO, or want to step up your training game, take notes on this one, Ryan is full of information!