Well, this one sure caught our attention. Shaun Pitts and Dr. Travis Dierks dive into the recent article published in The New Yorker: "The Hidden Harms of CPR" by Sunita Puri.
This raises the ethical question, should EMS be doing CPR on patients that are VERY unlikely to survive? We know that all patients have the right to refuse care, and on the flip side, have the right to demand care, and EMS is caught right in the middle of a legal and more often ethical grey area.
Link to article: https://www.newyorker.com/news/the-weekend-essay/the-hidden-harms-of-cpr?fbclid=IwAR2EoZ1S4DNbDk5xXILzC4PThVo_LyUH51mEVUEC-CRXf0sWXRySkpCcaAI
Link to Dr Dierks reference: https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/patients-overestimate-the-success-of-cpr/#:~:text=Patients%20and%20the%20general%20public,online%20in%20Emergency%20Medicine%20Journal.
Links to studies found on damage from CPR:
Well, this one sure caught our attention. Shaun Pitts and Dr. Travis Dierks dive into the recent article published in The New Yorker: "The Hidden Harms of CPR" by Sunita Puri.
This raises the ethical question, should EMS be doing CPR on patients that are VERY unlikely to survive? We know that all patients have the right to refuse care, and on the flip side, have the right to demand care, and EMS is caught right in the middle of a legal and more often ethical grey area.
Link to article: https://www.newyorker.com/news/the-weekend-essay/the-hidden-harms-of-cpr?fbclid=IwAR2EoZ1S4DNbDk5xXILzC4PThVo_LyUH51mEVUEC-CRXf0sWXRySkpCcaAI
Link to Dr Dierks reference: https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/patients-overestimate-the-success-of-cpr/#:~:text=Patients%20and%20the%20general%20public,online%20in%20Emergency%20Medicine%20Journal.
Links to studies found on damage from CPR: